Andreas Frey
2012-09-27 15:34:43 UTC
Hello there!
My name is Andreas Frey. I first heard about OLPC-ch through the article in this week's WOZ and then wrote to Mr. Beat D?beli Honegger who was mentioned in the article. I am a medical student and I have been working for an educational project in northern Nigeria ( for up to ten years now. I tried to get in contact with the the OLPC-people in the U.S. in 2008, but that was not possible, after which I gave up. We are interested in buying maybe 20 to 60 laptops to be used in that school. And I would be grateful if OLPC-ch could provide some assistance in that. More details will still follow. Thank you very much!
Greetings, Andreas Frey
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My name is Andreas Frey. I first heard about OLPC-ch through the article in this week's WOZ and then wrote to Mr. Beat D?beli Honegger who was mentioned in the article. I am a medical student and I have been working for an educational project in northern Nigeria ( for up to ten years now. I tried to get in contact with the the OLPC-people in the U.S. in 2008, but that was not possible, after which I gave up. We are interested in buying maybe 20 to 60 laptops to be used in that school. And I would be grateful if OLPC-ch could provide some assistance in that. More details will still follow. Thank you very much!
Greetings, Andreas Frey
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